29 Jun
29 Jun
3:48 p.m.
Hi Brian, On Jun 29, 2021, at 6:06 AM, Brian Nisbet <brian.nisbet@heanet.ie> wrote:
I've just had one thought (sorry!)...
We mention "Mental or physical ability" in the list, what we don't do, at any point, is mention disability explicitly.
So I've two questions from this. Do we, as a group, feel that it should be explicitly mentioned, or do we feel it's covered in that sentence?
Can you expand on that? What might be missing?
And if we feel it is covered, can we ask someone who would be affected by that if they agree?
How should we understand “someone” in that sentence? There are many different kinds of disability, so how many people would we need to speak with before making a decision on whether to adjust our text? Regards, Leo