Hi, TF members.
First, let me send you all my thanks for volunteering, and my best wishes for the work you have taken on.
I understand from your charter that you will be taking account of feedback on the Diversity mailing list.
I haven’t made any contribution there, so I would like, as you begin your work, to mention a couple of thoughts that I’ve had, in the hope that these may be helpful.
I don’t wish either to hijack your work or to take your time in discussions of these thoughts.
It’s enough for me that you consider them briefly, if only to dismiss them as out of scope or
duplicating what you already have in mind.
Here they are.
I notice that there’s another version of the CoC here:
I guess we want to end up with just one for all RIPE activities.
Is this your impression too ?
WG Chairs are given a burden of responsibility by the text, “Chairs are responsible for facilitating and moderating the RIPE community's discussions. At times they may direct an individual to cease a certain type of behaviour. Chairs have the authority to moderate or ban disruptive community members if they decide this is necessary.”
However, the underlying principles seem to me to be left implicit, as the focus in both Draft 3 and in the current CoC is on offences against an individual. I think that disruptive behaviour also encompasses “offences against the community”, such as wasting time either by filibustering or by making proposals which are without merit. Such behaviour is not necessarily personal in nature. Would it be useful to extend the list of examples of behaviour to be avoided by adding this category ?
I hope this helps.
Best regards,