On 03/04/2017 16:40, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
On Mon, 3 Apr 2017, Nathalie Trenaman wrote:
the paragraph after “assigning a /64 or smaller prefix is highly discouraged”
I also like this document. I would put a reference somewhere to:
"A delegated prefix for use within the home network (mandatory). The Broadband Forum suggests a size for the delegated prefix of at least a /60 for home network or SOHO environments, with a recommended prefix length of /56. The delegated prefix may be extended to a /48 for larger organizations."
Just to at least say that /64 is defective, and all documents I have read from organizations that write about this, says at least /60, most recommend /56. Piling on that BBF agrees probably wouldn't hurt.
Excellent suggestion, added, thnx!!! Cheers from Cameroon, Jan