On 09/07/2013, at 13.01, Jan Zorz - ISOC <zorz@isoc.org> wrote:
On 7/8/13 3:22 PM, Henrik Lund Kramshøj wrote:
In no particular order, and based on stuff I do myself. ...
I wonder if testing is also part of this?
*) How to test your network performance, recommending some starting point for common testing inside networks, in my end of the world it seems to be iperf and smokeping that rules the land. I was pretty inspired by Jen Linkova at the RIPE65 meeting talking about creating stacked packet for testing MPLS
That is a good topic, that should be documented - and also reminds me of another one - how to measure and understand the global visibility/performance of your network.
Many people don't entirely understand, that visibility from the Internet is an issue - they connect to upstreams, announce their resources and live happily ever after.
Nice, practical and clear document on how to measure their visibility from other parts of the world would also help many people.
Adding Job Sneiders to cc: (not sure he's on the mailinglist), Job would you be interested in adding some experience on this topic (or maybe even start a BCOP document?)?
I am not sure it belongs here, would be nice to have a list of this though. Off the top of my head, we use the following external resources to demonstrate visibility: https://stat.ripe.net/ - with all the nice widgets for embedding etc. Cyclops BGP http://cyclops.cs.ucla.edu/ BGPmon.net http://routeviews.org/ and http://bgplay.routeviews.org/ - note bgplay is also integrated into RIPEstat traceroute.org - I use this less now that http://RING.nlnog.org has expanded so nicely, but for non-ring-users pingdom (has no IPv6, and it really is becoming a problem, where to monitor IPv6 services from outside?) Best regards Henrik -- Henrik Lund Kramshøj, Follower of the Great Way of Unix internet samurai cand.scient CISSP hlk@kramse.org hlk@solidonetworks.com +45 2026 6000 http://solidonetworks.com/ Network Security is a business enabler