I have setup IPv6 environment and use test-v6.com to make some tests.
I have some suggestions according to my test results:
In section 6, for the example result for “624-6to4”, I suggestion to use <2002:c000:0201::c000:0201> for the IPv6 address, instead of original <2001:db8::1>.
<2002:c000:0201::c000:0201> is derived from “2002::/16+ <>”, which I think is more easily understood by users.
In section 6, Interpretation for “624-6to4”, I have questions about the sentence: “Any web site that has an IPv6 presence, will be reached using 6to4 instead of native IPv4”
I use win 7 with only IPv4 address configured, and thus 6to4 works. Then, I add an IPv6 default route to 6to4 relay router (anycast). The
test result show that
* IPv4 is preferred rather than Ipv6 6to4 (Only when connecting to IPv6-only servers, IPv6 6to4 will be used)
* The test result of using test-v6.com show 624 (Help desk code)
So, I think the interpretation does not match the real condition.
The following is my test result and give you as a reference (if gif can be accepted and shown):
ChungHwa Telecom. Co.