Hi Xuo,


One /64 prefix per subscriber. Personally, I prefer (and did that way in many customers) option 4.1.4 (/64 prefix out of the IPv6 prefix assigned to the end-user), as per RFC6603.








El 23/6/22, 13:09, "BCOP en nombre de Xuo Guoto" <bcop-bounces@ripe.net en nombre de xuoguoto@protonmail.com> escribió:


Hello all,


I have a question about RIPE-690. In section 4.1.1 it says:



Using a /64 prefix from a dedicated pool of IPv6 prefixes is the most common scenario and currently the best practice. A separate block of IPv6 space is allocated for the WAN links to the end customer CPEs, so that when CPE connects to the network and performs router discovery, a /64 prefix is used to number both ends of the connection.



My question is that:


Is the /64 prefix common for all WAN links or a separate /64 prefix is to be allotted for each WAN link? It may be obvious, but from reading the docs its not clear for me.


I understand that for PD it has to be a separate prefix for each customer CPE.


Apologies if this is not the right forum for asking this question.



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