Hi everyone,

Interestingly enough, I've been updating a folder with resources I've compiled on this topic. It's not super extensive or diverse per se, but it might give us a starting point to work with. You can view it at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b316VmkcbW7bJbgkd9ZNLVGv1EpGLomL?usp=sharing

Michael J. Oghia
Consultant | Editor
ICT Sustainability Advocate

Mexico City (UTC-5)

On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 8:15 AM Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> wrote:

>> This is a great idea! There are several issues surrounding this that may be interesting to discuss as well:
>> - what are the most important parts of the network to protect
>> - how to do that for each separate part
>> - how to manage spares & logistics in time of crisis
> Great! I suspect that we should give you a slot to elaborate more on
> this idea @BCOP TF meeting in Berlin. Would this work for you?



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