Hi all and a good morning!
Just my little feedback from today/yesterday.
No big problems so far just minor problems :)
1. There is always this error inside the log even with official software is this known? Is someone other having it?
condmv: unable to rename '/var/atlas-probe/data/new/v6addr.txt' to '/var/atlas-probe/data/out/v6addr.txt': No such file or directory
I know there are many pros and cons for such a setup but overall it would make the process simpler.
3. When you visit
https://atlas.ripe.net/apply/swprobe/ without being logged in it redirects to /denied. Ok, logging in.., hmm, still denied :o Turns out that /denied does not check the status from the user after SSO login and SSO simply redirects you back.
4. Near my Probes and only my is „(Register)“, is this on purpose?
5. I managed to make a functional Dockerfile.
Important infos
- There is no check for the ripe files
- You have to manually copy the files from the source to the mounted docker folder
1. docker build -t atlas-sw .
2. docker run -it --rm -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --cap-add=sys_admin --name=atlas atlas-sw
3. docker cp atlas:/var/atlas-probe/ /opt/docker/atlas-probe/
4. docker run -it --rm -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -v /opt/docker/atlas-probe/:/var/atlas-probe/ --cap-add=sys_admin --name=atlas --memory=128m atlas-sw
Sure I will monitor the logs and there are some bugs I know to report/fix but in summary it is running and reporting. I only tested ping :o
7. Has someone managed to migrate a ssh private key to a new host? I know that the system is lurking for a file to know about the initialization status but in the file that manages the initialization the statefile is from $1