+1 for Sascha's request. It would be good to have the option to mark probe permanently down. In current status (as per Philip's explanation) probes which are down due to an issue will appear exactly the same as all probes which are no longer maintained. On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 4:02 PM Philip Homburg <philip.homburg@ripe.net> wrote:
On 2020/05/07 19:16 , ripe@groetzner.net wrote:
how can I remove a unused VM-Probe? I don`t think „transfer ownership“ ist he right solution for an SW-Probe 😉
Hi Sascha,
We don't really have an option to remove a probe. Probes have participated in measurements so we want to keep the history of a probe even when it is no longer used.
The easiest is to disable notifications and let the probe stay the way it is.
For hardware probe we have a procedure to write off a probe, if it is lost or broken, or to refurbish the probe if it gets a new owner in a new location.
So far we have nothing like that for software probes.
-- Anurag Bhatia anuragbhatia.com