Hi, This is the mail that may help you get started with software probes :-) We're in the testing period, meaning we are authorising those who showed interest (i.e. you) to apply for a software probe. I could do this to about 2/3 of you, namely those whose RIPE Atlas SSO account I could find (ie. same as in the testers' survey). The kick-off documentation page for software probes is https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/software-probe/. This has some general info as well as description of how to install the RPM we maintain (CentOS7). The actual page to apply for a software probe is https://atlas.ripe.net/apply/swprobe/. This page is only available to you if your SSO account is already known/authorised (see previous paragraph). Let me know you get an error getting here [1]. Note that in order to apply for your probe, you need to tell us its (SSH) public key. In turn we'll make a probe ID for you once the probe is enabled (pretty soon after application). We'll add a means to replace this key for an existing probe, in case you need to reinstall and lose the original key material. I'll send a separate mail about the current state of software packaging. Cheers, Robert [1] make sure you have an SSO account (make one at https://access.ripe.net/ if needed), then visit the Atlas website while being logged in so that Atlas learns about you, and send me a mail