Hi everyone,


Merry Christmas (or Festive season, if you prefer) and a happy New Year to everyone!


I have just registered my first software RIPE probe. I can see it in my RIPE Atlas probe list. When checking systemd logs, I can see that the probe is registered properly with its control server (which is ctr-fsn01.atlas.ripe.net).


When I ran the first measurement from it, the measurement didn’t show up on the web. I see the following error in the systemd journal:

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: total size in dir: 5668

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: httppost: before getaddrinfo

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: httppost: before connect

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: httppost: sending request

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: posting file '/var/atlas-probe/data/out/ooq/2'

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: posting file '/var/atlas-probe/data/out/ooq/1'

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: httppost: getting result

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: httppost: POST command failed: '302 '

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: httppost: leaving with error

pro 24 09:36:38 controller ATLAS[8785]: ooqd: httppost failed with 1


This conforms to what I see in tcpdump:

POST /?PROBE_ID=1000060&SESSION_ID=34f398cd76888d91da4adb236e00ded25abf69bcf959509b748ad7e84b33c2c8&SRC=oneoff HTTP/1.1


Connection: close

User-Agent: httppost for atlas.ripe.net

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Content-Length: 5759



RESULT { ... }

HTTP/1.1 302

Location: /manage

Content-Length: 0

Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 08:14:38 GMT

Connection: close


The question is: why does the probe (talking via the initiated SSH tunnel at 8080: receive such a message from the controller? Is this common or a bug?

O/S: Ubuntu 18.04, amd64

SW probe version: atlasswprobe==5000-1


Thanks for any insight and/or hint.



Radek Zajic