I pushed experimental debian support to the ripe-atlas-software-probe
repo. Run 'ripe-atlas-software-probe/build-config/debian/bin/make-deb'
to create a debian package.
Here is the link for the docker-compose project https://github.com/Knight1/ripe-atlas_dockerized <https://github.com/Knight1/ripe-atlas_dockerized> "Should start and report :o“
There is no CI at this point because it is not meant for any stable use at this time but my two servers are running fine. I just want to make sure there are no hidden bugs :)
Feel free to open Issues, PR’s or just tell me anything you want :)
Is there a possibility for a test atlas account or is this test infra not accessible from the outside? Because I know that there are test and dev servers and I don’t want to add many more test servers just for development to my prod account.
Hi all and a good morning!
Just my little feedback from today/yesterday.
No big problems so far just minor problems :)
1. There is always this error inside the log even with official software is this known? Is someone other having it?
condmv: unable to rename '/var/atlas-probe/data/new/v6addr.txt' to '/var/atlas-probe/data/out/v6addr.txt': No such file or directory
2. What are your thoughts about a 'curl https://install.atlas.ripe.com | bash' ?
I know there are many pros and cons for such a setup but overall it would make the process simpler.
3. When you visit https://atlas.ripe.net/apply/swprobe/ without being logged in it redirects to /denied. Ok, logging in.., hmm, still denied :o Turns out that /denied does not check the status from the user after SSO login and SSO simply redirects you back.
4. Near my Probes and only my is „(Register)“, is this on purpose?
5. I managed to make a functional Dockerfile.
Important infos
- There is no check for the ripe files
- You have to manually copy the files from the source to the mounted docker folder
1. docker build -t atlas-sw .
2. docker run -it --rm -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --cap-add=sys_admin --name=atlas atlas-sw
3. docker cp atlas:/var/atlas-probe/ /opt/docker/atlas-probe/
4. docker run -it --rm -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -v /opt/docker/atlas-probe/:/var/atlas-probe/ --cap-add=sys_admin --name=atlas --memory=128m atlas-sw
6. Any ideas about an official Docker package? Because the container is just running fine :o https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/1000013/
Sure I will monitor the logs and there are some bugs I know to report/fix but in summary it is running and reporting. I only tested ping :o
7. Has someone managed to migrate a ssh private key to a new host? I know that the system is lurking for a file to know about the initialization status but in the file that manages the initialization the statefile is from $1
Here's the current state of packaging:
Source of the software is available on on GitHub:
This uses a submodule for the actual measurement code:
I think it's fair to assume that this will serve as the upstream for any
packages from now on.
The NCC maintains a CentOS 7 (x86_64) binary package. Instructions on
how to use this are available at
https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/software-probe/. We're likely going to build
a CentOS 8 version too.
Philip and others worked on a Debian (8-9-10?) port at the IoT hackathon
before the RIPE meeting. I believe this is also good news for Raspbian
(Pi) users. Pointers will follow.
Folks at CZ.NIC generously spent energy on making a Turris (Omnia and
Mox) version. I believe these are close to being released. Jan can
provide more details.
My understanding is that as a by-product of the Turris work an OpenWrt
(source) package is/was also made. I'm not sure about the state of this
and I might be wrong anyway. Jan, can you clarify?
I know of no work as of yet for Docker releases, nor anything on BSDs.
We are aware that the code depends on some older libraries (openssl
1.0.x I believe) which are not the ones used in the latest release of
various distros. Philip is working on fixing this.
That's it for now. Feel free to discuss and/or cooperate the various
aspects and releases as you see fit!
This is the mail that may help you get started with software probes :-)
We're in the testing period, meaning we are authorising those who showed
interest (i.e. you) to apply for a software probe. I could do this to
about 2/3 of you, namely those whose RIPE Atlas SSO account I could find
(ie. same as in the testers' survey).
The kick-off documentation page for software probes is
https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/software-probe/. This has some general info
as well as description of how to install the RPM we maintain (CentOS7).
The actual page to apply for a software probe is
https://atlas.ripe.net/apply/swprobe/. This page is only available to
you if your SSO account is already known/authorised (see previous
paragraph). Let me know you get an error getting here [1].
Note that in order to apply for your probe, you need to tell us its
(SSH) public key. In turn we'll make a probe ID for you once the probe
is enabled (pretty soon after application). We'll add a means to replace
this key for an existing probe, in case you need to reinstall and lose
the original key material.
I'll send a separate mail about the current state of software packaging.
[1] make sure you have an SSO account (make one at
https://access.ripe.net/ if needed), then visit the Atlas website while
being logged in so that Atlas learns about you, and send me a mail