I am trying to run software probe in a Docker container.
But each initialisation fails with a very basic error "REGINIT exit with error” (see flow below).
The public key is recorded already in RIPE web portal but the error remains at each startup.
I tried both Bridge and shared network with the same issue.
Is there a way to know more about the error ?
022-09-29T15:42:57.379001202Z stdout 255 REGINIT exit with error
2022-09-29T15:42:57.177688598Z stdout ssh -p 443 atlas(a) <mailto:atlas@> INIT
2022-09-29T15:42:57.176253785Z stdout REGHOSTS reg03.atlas.ripe.net <http://reg03.atlas.ripe.net/> 2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:13f6 reg04.atlas.ripe.net <http://reg04.atlas.ripe.net/> 2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:13f7
2022-09-29T15:42:57.173031723Z stdout REASON_FOR_REGISTRATION NEW NO previous state files
2022-09-29T15:42:57.172130959Z stdout ATLAS registration starting
2022-09-29T15:42:57.170780373Z stdout start reg
2022-09-29T15:42:57.170423886Z stdout Ping failed
2022-09-29T15:42:57.170019270Z stdout [warn] event_del_: event has no event_base set.
2022-09-29T15:42:57.116492305Z stdout /var/atlas-probe/status/reginit.vol does not exist try new reg
2022-09-29T15:42:57.116063805Z stdout RESULT 9006 done 1664466177 0242ac110002 no reginit.vol start registration
2022-09-29T15:39:56.916516214Z stdout condmv: not moving, destination '/var/atlas-probe/data/out/simpleping' exists
2022-09-29T15:39:56.913936103Z stdout condmv: not moving, destination '/var/atlas-probe/data/out/v6addr.txt' exists
2022-09-29T15:39:56.907430444Z stdout 255 REGINIT exit with error
2022-09-29T15:39:56.899193700Z stdout ssh -p 443 atlas@2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:13f7 <mailto:atlas@2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:13f7> INIT
2022-09-29T15:39:56.897727021Z stdout REGHOSTS reg03.atlas.ripe.net <http://reg03.atlas.ripe.net/> 2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:13f6 reg04.atlas.ripe.net <http://reg04.atlas.ripe.net/> 2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:13f7
2022-09-29T15:39:56.894196731Z stdout REASON_FOR_REGISTRATION NEW NO previous state files
2022-09-29T15:39:56.893356284Z stdout ATLAS registration starting
2022-09-29T15:39:56.892452551Z stdout start reg
2022-09-29T15:39:56.892065716Z stdout Ping failed
I did a method to make Raspberry PI images for Atlas SW probes using Packer.
After create this method, I have two comments:
- The Raspberry PI image uses Debian. When the Debian package is installed, it launches the Atlas service. The atlas service creates the public and private keys. For this reason I can create the Debian package in the image creation with Packer, but I cannot install it. I am using an script in the first boot to install the package.
- As I pointed in the previous comment, the keys are created when the package is installed. This is a good idea if the package is created for first time or if the user is updating the package. But if the user is moving the installation to a new device, when the package is installed, a new key-pair is created. Therefore, probably the user wants to replace the new keys with the previous and these keys will left unused (but registered).
For these reasons, probably split the package installation and the service startup could be an idea. Then, the user can install the package, if the user has previous keys copy them to the keys folder and then launch the service.
These steps (https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/ripe-atlas-software-probe/blob/master/INSTALL.r…) will change from:
- Install this .deb file: sudo dpkg -i atlasswprobe-??????.deb
- The public key is stored in /var/atlas-probe/etc/probe_key.pub
- Then register your probe at https://atlas.ripe.net/apply/swprobe/
- Install this .deb file: sudo dpkg -i atlasswprobe-??????.deb
- If you have previous keys, from other SW probe, copy them to /var/atlas-probe/etc/
- Launch the service: sudo sytemctl start atlas
- If you are using a new atlas probe, then:
- The public key is stored in /var/atlas-probe/etc/probe_key.pub
- Then register your probe at https://atlas.ripe.net/apply/swprobe/
What do you think?
Best regards,kix
Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)
"I asked him once how to change the key bindings and Dave said 'You use the Change Configuration command. On Unix it is abbreviated as cc.' Dave Conroy and Lawrence Stewart.