To whom it may concern at Help.Org, If you all think that writing such a meaningless e-mail and sending it anonymously will get you anywhere, you are sadly mistaken. The "anti-abuse-wg" is an open forum where interested individuals discuss abuse related matters in connection with Whois directories. Everyone who participate in these discussions identifies himself/herself as a professional courtesy. By calling anti abuse issues "worthless", Help.Org staff who has sent this meaningless e-mail diminishes its credibility. By hiding behind "Help.Org" and "whoissecurity.com" domains, you show your unwillingness to engage in the ongoing discussions professionally here. Reza Farzan =============== -----Original Message-----
From: "lists@help.org" <lists@help.org> Sent: Jun 1, 2012 11:18 AM To: anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] WhoisSecurity.com
While this list does not require introductions or anything of the sort, it is always nice to at least have a name for a poster. Like I said, it isn't required, but it might facilitate discussion if people had some idea who they're talking >to, if that makes any sense? This is especially useful when you're asking such a broad question.
No, that does not make sense. The site is compiling resources and the name of the people compiling the resources is not relevant. You just want that information so you and people like Michele Neylon and Dominque Custers can attempt to ridicule the people developing the site. You guys do this to divert attention from the misinformation being presented about this issue.
The RIPE reports on this issue are worthless and the reasons are explained at:
http://whoissecurity.com/europeans-restrict-ip-address-whois-data/ http://whoissecurity.com/historical-whois-data-and-privacy-laws/
As for the whois scraping and the packaging and resale of whois data see
So as you can see the issues are already researched to a certain extent but I am sure things have been missed.
Please use the form submission at the site since I do not monitor this list all the time.
By hiding behind "Help.Org" and "whoissecurity.com" domains,
Well, I don't know the names of the people running most of the web sites I visit. Even if I knew their names I wouldn't know them personally anyway so I don't understand what your point is. If you don't like http://WhoisSecurity.com then you are free not to use it. If you have any suggestions for additional information that can be posted there send it along. If it is a good link to information I will use it (even if it were from someone convicted of assault in NJ). Thank You
participants (2)
Reza Farzan