Updated Agenda for RIPE 68 AA-WG Meeting
Colleagues, A slight update for our agenda for RIPE68. There has recently been some discussion on the Address Policy mailing list about acceptable forms of ID that the RIPE NCC require in regards to those holding resources under an agreement with a sponsoring LIR. Over RIPE68 discussion on this matter will take place in the AP Working Group and in the NCC Services Working Group, but we wanted to make sure the AA community was involved, so we've carved out a little time in the agenda. The discussion thread on this starts here: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/address-policy-wg/2014-February/00857... Brian A. Administrative Matters * Welcome * Scribe, Jabber, Stenography * Microphone Etiquette * Approve Minutes from RIPE 67 * Finalise agenda B. Update * B1. Recent List Discussion * B2. AA-WG Charter C. Policies D. Interactions * D1. Working Groups * D2. Proof of Identity Discussions - RIPE Policy 2007-01 * D3. RIPE NCC Gov/LEA Interactions Update E. Presentation * E1. Anti-Abuse, the view from the messaging world” - MAAWG * E2. Impact of abuse-c - Bengt Gördén X. A.O.B. Z. Agenda for RIPE 69
participants (1)
Brian Nisbet