Guten Tag Gert, you are on the correct path, totally agree. They are a cloud provider and it is extremely clear what services they offer from their own public website. Hence a renter, as such, could set up a server and start emailing the planet, so there is no excuse to feel attacked and acuse Ronald, because that was not the point in the first place. Just a mere tactic to confuse, but does not confuse me ! What Ronald said remains, and is very clear. Looks like the other party ist keine Gehirn, or does not want to have one................................... Regards On Thu, 2019-04-25 at 08:11 +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
Hi, On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 07:52:44AM +0200, ac wrote: NETWORK providers provide routing - to companies, people and evencountries Hetzner is not exactly a *network* provider. They are more a hostingshop, and if you do that, you need to take responsibility for criminalactivities inside your network. You, in your childish innocence (ignorance) wants to complain to anetwork provider and you refuse that the network provider sends yourcomplaint to the service provider. Maybe you need to upgrade your knowledge on what Hetzner actually does? Gert Doering -- NetMaster -- Richard Benfatto
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