On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:50:52AM +0000, Richard Cox wrote:
Piotr Strzyzewski <Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl> wrote:
According to my memory and to the minutes from the session there were mixed feelings about that.
But that would be the SERVICES working group, which people interested in Anti-Abuse would not normally attend (and most probably didn't).
I could be wrong now, but I recall that I have talked about that (which WG should I present this topic to) with Gert Doering, Wilfried Woeber and Bijal Sanghani during the RIPE 59 Meeting and they pointed out RIPE NCC Services as the right place to begin the discussion.
I was supposed to bring this topic back to the mailing list.
But WHICH mailing list? This list, or the services WG list ?
Unfortunately (shame to me) I was extremally busy after meeting and totally forgot about that. Maybe this is the right time to make this a formal proposal and start a discussion?
I would certainly say it is the right time. The important question is, which is the right place? (I'm biased: I would say it should be here!)
Ok, so I promise to make this policy proposal by the beggining of the next week. We can start discussion here and then notify the others (since I believe this equally could interest at least AP, DB and Services WGs). Best regards, Piotr Strzyżewski -- gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski E-mail: Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl