2012/4/11 Brian Nisbet <brian.nisbet@heanet.ie>:
"Chris" wrote the following on 11/04/2012 11:03:
On 04/10/2012 05:18 PM, Joe St Sauver wrote:
Maintenance of the database documenting who's been allocated/assigned space is *core* to RIPE's mission.
simply wrong. ripe's core is allocation. that's what they do. your mission is your private error.
Ripe's core is at least to provide **change management** over contact on allocation of internet resources (IP, AS) so that stakeholder's can cooperate, since internet protocols relies on swift cooperation between entities. Imagine a world in which you cannot reach a LIR or RIR having wrong BGP rules ? Furthermore, RIPE NCC is bound by its contract with ICANN in its mission of allocating resources. I think reading the actual contract might settle the topic pretty fast. Since I don't have the contract under my eyes right now, I will make a simple reasoning based on public informations and personnal experience. Let's stick to the common sense of database first : *Data accuracy is the most important property of a database.* Ripe NCC is entitled to manage the whois database, therefore it is in their mission to ensure DB integrity. If it is not convincing enough, let's remember data accuracy is considered by ICANN as a **MUST DO** for delegated entities (both for gTLD and resources). Just search ICANN web sites and you'll have extended papers explaining why accuracy matters, and how this responsability is also delegated. http://www.icann.org/en/gsearch/accuracy In a world without accurate whois contact it will be the the strongest's rule that shall prevail. What tickles me is how can RIPE NCC bill instances they don't have the **accurate** contacts ? Are there 2 DBs one for billing (with accurate data) and another one for public access with inaccurate data ? RIPE NCC cant choose the parts it likes in its delegated mission from ICANN. A contract is a contract and RIPE NCC is bound by its duties regarding ICANN. If ICANN states RIPE NCC MUST have accurates data, and MUST enforce internet policies I cannot see how RIPE NCC or RIPE can decide it is does not fall into their responsabilities. Now, all everybody needs to know : * what level of accuracy ICANN can realistcly expect from its delegates ? * what are the internet policies ICANN mentions ? Cheers. -- Jul Experienced freelance for years (having worked for ISP).