The MARF WG http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/marf/ issued RFC 5965 for the abuse reporting format (ARF). RFC 6449, Complaint Feedback Loop Operational Recommendations, is an informational document that originated in MAAWG. The activity of MARF WG recently decreased and it apparently needs to get invigorated with the participation of newcomers who are willing to devolve their interest and experience in abuse reporting to the community. If that's your case, please review one or more drafts in that page and post comments on the MARF mailing list. In particular, draft-ietf-marf-reporting-discovery is an alternative to whois lookups, while draft-ietf-marf-as is an application statement for RFC 6449, which may modify or complement any operational recommendation contained therein, e.g. by merging in draft-vesely-marf-abuse-reporting. The participation called for here is an occasion to standardize how abuse reporting is to be done, thereby complementing the work carried out by this WG and ACM-TF. TIA