The "does not care about" chain is precisely what keeps spammers, phishers and such in perpetual business. "Not in my backyard" on steroids. Oh well, I guess that just means us poor security folks are assured of our jobs not becoming redundant anytime in the foreseeable future. --srs
On 30-Sep-2015, at 1:33 PM, David Hofstee <david@mailplus.nl> wrote:
Now here is the part that sucks and RIPE does not care much about: The database of RIPE is inaccurate, it definitely is a resource, and does not work very well in (abuse) corner cases. They are not willing to break the abuse chain because they are not willing to police, for whatever reason they (or an individual) name(s). I won’t say that RIPE is the only party not taking responsibility though.