On Sat, 23 Mar 2019 18:57:43 +0800 Lu Heng <h.lu@anytimechinese.com> wrote:
It’a very much because of internet has become part of unitiy to my point of view.
Any policy that says “if you do bad thing we taking your IP number back” is very much like “if you do bad thing we cut your water/electricity off”.
the point is: you can do what you like with "your ip", if it is "your ip" but part of what makes it "your ip" is an advertisement that is an assignment by an administrative power and the same administrative power comes with responsibility and a whole bunch of unavoidable and undetachable other things.... so, we can keep going around in chicken and egg circles, but I think my mind is made up now... thank you for that :) I am +1 for adoption of 2019-03 as it stands... Andre