In message <201302120818.58387.peter@hk.ipsec.se>, peter h <peter@hk.ipsec.se> wrote:
(I believe that I saw it asserted here earlier that, even as of this late date, there is no general agreement, within this group or within the RIPE membership as a whole as to what things might or do constitute "abuse of the Internet". If that is correct, then offhand I would have to say that arriving at some common understanding of that term could be, would be, and should be the first order of business for this group, above all else. I mean what's the point of having an "anti abuse" group if nobody even knows for sure what "abuse" is?)
Wrong ! Sending Spam ( unsolicited massmail ) has been unacceptable since 1985 and was once punished with "Internet Deathpenalty"( isolation ).
Today Spam seems to be ignored since we pay dearly for mechanical ways of f iltering, with varying success. Still Spam is not even a crime in many countries, and in others like sweden it's not really investigated nor punished.
Spam is in addition to marketing purposes sometimes used as a vehicle for f raud or virus but it's still Spam.
Why don't we do something against it ???
I am not at all sure who, exactly, you were adressing your comments to. If you had intended them for me... well... all I can say is that you are attempting to sell your point of view to the Wrong Guy. Personally, I was already convinced quite a long time ago that spam is an awful scourge, and I've personally done much over the past 18 years to try to thwart it, and those who send it... more than most, I do believe. Regards, rfg