I guess there is no law wherever in the world that disallows me to protect my own services from abuse. ... And how could it be defamation, if we try to reach the responsible network abuse contact, to inform them, that they have a security breach and that one of their servers or dialin clients got hi-jacked ?
Blacklist do not accuse anybody, they are simply informative and tell people that there might be a problem ... ... Perhaps you are underestimating some people's requirement for absolute perfection in the world? (Their version of perfection, not yours or mine, of course...) ...
As an online discussion about network abuse grows longer, the probability of someone comparing blacklisting to extortion approaches 1.
... All of the above comments are pretty much worthless. They are meant to twist what I said and try to ridicule me while avoiding the issues I raised. These types of response make abuse groups look like a small group of arrogant individuals who could not care less about other issues or other people's rights. This is exactly what Spamhaus did when they got sued and they posted all those child-like messages on their web site. In the end the court found they lied and they paid all kinds of legal fees because of it. I don't completely disagree with the points made above but the treatment is way too simplistic. Just like the worst criminals, spammers have rights too and sometimes abuse people accuse the wrong people, make mistakes, or are too busy to fix flaws in their system. Nobody requires "perfection" but to completely ignore issues and ridicule people when they raise the issues is negligence. The operation of a blacklist on its own is not extortion until you start telling people to do certain things (like pay money or demand action from your ISP) does it fall into the area of extortion. You also run into iisues of running ancillary paid services. I wonder if you have a much easier time getting off a Microsoft or Cisco blacklist if you subscribe to their services?
That's the kind of defence used by spammers ... and harvesters :o)
Every time someone says abuse staff should adhere to standards this is the response. It shows how clueless some people can be. People get so hyped up when someone mentions this type of stuff they fail to realized these standards will greatly improve things like blacklists. Thank You