21 Mar
21 Mar
2:01 a.m.
In message <20190321003924.GX99066@cilantro.c4inet.net>, "Sascha Luck [ml]" <aawg@c4inet.net> wrote:
Inevitably followed by a multi-year, multi-instance lawsuit. Assuming you have the wherewhithal to afford the law. We, in the RIPE NCC Service Region, have so far avoided this and the relations between the NCC and the members have been mostly congenial. If the NCC gets turned into a drumhead court-martial, this will change and I, for one, would not welcome this change.
Setting aside the colorful imagery, I can only observe that your prescient ability to to predict the future is exceeded only by your evident humility with regards to your ability to do so. Regards, rfg