On Fri, 4 Aug 2017 15:46:29 +0530 Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
I do get that a problem with incompetence and/or malice depending on which way hanlons razor cuts in allowing these ranges to be hijacked is being shoved onto receiving isps for them to mitigate it, yes.
cool, but other than educating what do you do about ignorance? and when we, as a wg, cannot even agree on what defines abuse, how do you manage malice? Our entire system, on multiple levels (network peer and service/mail interoperability,. etc) depends on co-operation, freedom and openness. Sure, I have only been on the network now for 30 years, so many of you are my senior, but theoretically some issues are not solvable without deducting from either freedom or from one of the others. (imho anyway - please feel free to add/edit) Andre