Tobias Knecht wrote: Hi all,
Some ISPs in Europe are already using this as a greylisting reason.
I assume you're referring to email?
If so, why is that a problem?
If you want to judge on the existence of the IRT if somebody is doing abuse handling or not you should not make the IRT mandatory. That was Leo Vegoda saying.
As soon as people will decide to do so and add the existence of an IRT to their reputation metrics, there is pressure and pushed by this pressure people will create IRT Objects, but not with the intent to do a good abuse job, but with the intent of deliverability.
So imo this is no reason to make the IRT not mandatory.
Just the other way. Spammer and spammer friendly ISPs WILL create IRT objects containing a valid (but unread) email address, just to get there mails delivered. So it has to be mandatory, giving RIPE NCC the possibility to check those email addresses on a regular basis. Having it mandatory and checked will give us a working abuse contact for every ISP that IS taking care and at least a working but unread contact for those which are not taking care. Our next step with our own blacklist is then to check if there is at least ticket numbers or similar coming back from those abuse addresses, and if not, create a soft entry like "1.0 Non-responsive abuse contact" in SpamAssassin ;o) And we could even analyze, if a abusive IP re-occurs after a while and make another entry like "3.0 spamming IP re-occurs after ISPs intervention" (even if the spammer or spammer friendly ISP generates ticket numbersi or replies, but still does no do anything ;o) So, we could finally find unwilling ISPs easily and we could be sure, that they are informed about abuse, but still dont do anything. And block them completely ;o) Today we cannot be sure, if the member is informed about the problem at all and we need to change that. Kind regards, Frank -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ====================================================================== Public PGP Key available for frank@powerweb.de -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen, -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ====================================================================== Public PGP Key available for frank@powerweb.de