You did not describe a silver bullet. The RIPE community has urged their members to stop spam and abuse for years, RIPE-409 says it quite plainly, this has been the repeated advice. There are potential ways of enforcing this, but please do not claim that what has been discussed so far today will suddenly stop network abuse.
You can suggest things until the cows come home, but you cannot expect RIPE or anyone else to come up with a "magical" solution that is going to make everyone happy
Sorry that blabla. Does anybody have a better idea how to urge members to stop using their allocations for spamming ? Any real technical comments for my idea ? Any improvement we could make to such a system and recommendation ? I would love to work with all of you to develop a system we could all agree to and that works and could be recommended as proposal for the community.
The other thing is that a lot of anti-spam / anti-abuse people don't realise is that they are their own worse enemies More often than not they do not take into account the business realities
If an ISP / hosting provider were to act as quickly as some people would like them to act plenty of innocent bystanders would be harmed and the ISP / hosting provider would probably be sued.
Time is no problem, a change to RIPEs regulation can be timed for 1 or 2 years until it will really end up in any punishment against spam provider. This whole process can be slow. Goverment regulations also have a time schedule. Its stupid to stop thinking or working because the final goal is still far away ... Kind regards, Frank -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ====================================================================== Public PGP Key available for frank@powerweb.de