very well said Randy, +1 On Fri, 19 Apr 2019 at 11:33, Randy Bush <> wrote:
so you are taking it upon yourself to attach your own opinion by commenting on how you interpret the point(s) Randy is making?
how rude and presumptuous of yourself.
QED? i wish folk would not resort to ad homina
it seems many people (including myself) are rude, obnoxious, not tolerant as well as very impolite and "unconsiderate"
Anyway, to add my own interpretation, seeing as this is what we are now reduced to, I am understanding that Randy is pointing out that when 2019-03 moves forward, this is common sense and not a "slippery slope"
no. gert was correct. but you are correct in the sense that it is not a slippery slope. it is the bottom of the slope.
the slope started with insufficient diligence in registration services when dealing with some quite abusive actors. next, in the process of cleaning it up, american style lawyers created the overreaching ripe-716 to formalize a weapon to punish miscreants. now folk in this wg wave the weapon around to punish others who might be miscreants of a different sort.
a martin niemöller quote comes to mind.
as does "the only winning move is not to play."
randy, who thinks this is a sad day for the ripe community
-- -- Kind regards. Lu