However, I would suggest that if you want a data maintenance process to apply to the abuse-c object, then you should describe it. As you seem to want the RIPE NCC to remove the registration of address space if abuse-c's are not maintained appropriately, the standards required should be explicit and either included in the policy text or referenced by it.
I think this is a valid argument. The proposal should contain the desired outcome as clear and explicitly as possible. And I don't think the desired outcome is to just have a role or person object referenced as the abuse contact, but to actually have abuse contacts.
The outcome is, to have an abuse-c in place. That is all. If there is a need to change RIPE NCC processes or start frequent update requests or do anything else to guarantee data accuracy this can be proposed by another proposal. And I'm sure if community asks for we can keep up the Task Force and take the next step. But in this step it is going about the abuse-c. In my opinion it would not make any sense to describe any measures for abuse-c. If we look at data accuracy we need to look at all the data in the database and not only at one small piece. So please keep it simple and lets discuss about the introduction of an abuse-c and ask the Task Force to work on a common data accuracy part after this proposal. Thanks, Tobias -- abusix