21 Jan
21 Jan
3:07 a.m.
Peace, On Thu, Jan 21, 2021, 10:39 AM Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
now it is now back on a Russian network again:
# ORG: (RU) ORG-FG2-RIPE "OOO FREEnet Group"
Ronald, as you correctly mention later in the message, the 15.0/24 block was probably leased away _long_ ago (as we assume that a research institute hardly needs /16 IPv4 to operate). Meanwhile the sub-block is being routed by AS42745
aka "Safe Value Limited"
The only provider for the latter being Voxility Inc., California, USA. https://radar.qrator.net/as42745/providers#startDate=2020-10-21&endDate=2021-01-21&tab=current I guess you'd need to repeat your feat once again, now again with an American company :-)
-- Töma