There's rather a big difference between access to bulk whois data of any sort for security or other "internet community" related, NON COMMERCIAL purposes, versus bulk whois data to run a >commercial service.
Once the information is publicly available you cannot control how it is used. Trying to control how it is used is a pointless exercise. Further, restricting the data for marketing purposes also restricts its use for security purposes as well. It boild down to restricting the data based on wheher you like what the person is doing and not whether it is legal or not. Commercial purposes are legal and without them people would not have jobs. Most security companies are also commercial. Something like Spamhaus sell services so are they a security purpose or commercial purposes? The problem is that people in the abuse community simply say the issue is black and white and they disregard the needs of users based on their own feelings about how the world should be. Their experience on the Internet is often limited to a small number of administrators and technical types and not the general user. In fact these type of people often have disdain for the average Internet user as can often be seen here by all the childish "attack" posts when someone posts something they don't like or when someone is uniformed. Most Internet users are uninformed about many issues but you cannot simply disregard them because of this. The abuse people often come off as a bunch of teenagers sitting around insulting everyone who walks by. I noticed you did not address RIPE releasing the legal opinions they have. Thank You