That's easy. The analogy is weak. Don't mess the Internet with real world things. The Internet has been self-regulated since its birth. Otherwise we'd have govts and not RIRs controlling the number resources.

And I hear it all the time that it's specifically RIPE's problem of dealing with rogue sign-ups.

17 августа 2016 г. 11:24:44 GMT+03:00, ox <> пишет:
On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 01:11:44 -0700
"Ronald F. Guilmette" <> wrote:
ox <> you wrote:
Are fake whois records abuse? I think this is an excellent question
and requires discussion.
Personally I think filing fake information to a resource is actually
a crime called fraud. I am sure that this is also a crime under
Dutch law and that the Dutch Law enforcement should investigate this?

Why yes! (Now why didn't *I* think of that?)
Yes, by all means, let's take a violation of contractual terms between
two private parties and turn it into a law enforcement matter. And

I am not sure what you mean, maybe you can explain it to me better?

When one private person/organization steals another private
person/organization's car, it is not theft?

When one private party lies, cheats and fraudulently obtains something
from another party, it is not fraud?

Because why?

Because they are "private parties" ?

I am so sorry that I am slow in understanding this and than you so much
for taking the time to explain this to me


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