On 5/27/2014 6:47 AM, Brian Nisbet wrote:
This is the original language I used here:
"While areas such as cybersquatting or hosting illegal content are not seen as a central part of the working group's remit, they are unquestionably bound up in other aspects of network abuse and, as such, may well be areas of interest."
Hmmm... oddly, that could turn out to be the more useful wording. It is descriptive and does not really try to be prescriptive (or proscriptive), though of course it walks right up to that point. As such, it paints a a bit of territory that might be 'related', but does neither requires nor prohibits traveling in the territory. I would therefore expect wg management to determine salience according to other criteria in the charter... d/ -- Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking bbiw.net