Because the policies to distribute and manage the number resources provided by IANA to the RIRs are a regional matter.
Yes, I would agree some things are a regional matter and should be handled regionally, in fact as much as possible. However, access to the whois abuse data should not be. The reason is that the purpose of this is to contact the administrator of ip blocks to notify them of issues. If someone is tracing an IP and they can get the data for some IP's and not others then I see a lack of standardization as a problem. I think the whole issue comes down to this. It is not possible to control how public information is used. people don't want to accept that fact that it can't be done so they come up with schemes to make it look like they are doing something, like IP address blocking. Then they get so focused on pursuing their IP address blocking policy that they lose sight of the fact that IP address blocking does essentially nothing to control the spam that is the core issue. There is a big mantra to stop "harvesting" when, in actuality, there is nothing illegal about harvesting publicly available information or Google would have been shut down long ago. Since there is no real basis for blocking access to public information this new argument has arisen where information is now mandated to be public yet is also protected and sensitive under privacy laws. None of this makes the slightest amount of sense to me. I do not believe blocking my is not going to affect the amount of spam sent to RIPE database contacts. This is the real issue here. My whois contacts for domains is in the Tucows whois. This is protected by IP address blocks, CAPCHA, etc. yet I get spam all the time, these measures do no good. I just change my address every few months. Maybe the RIR's should set up system like whois privacy where the published addresses are all under domain and forwarded to hidden addresses. The public e-mail addresses could also change periodically. That way you have no privacy issue and the addresses "time out" so harvesting for future use is useless. thank you.