>Please supply a method instead of critizising the mandatory field ...

Nothing wrong with a mandatory field but you need to clean up the entire database first.  Once you do the major cleanup then you can focus on individual fields and it all should be coordinated with all the RIR's.  For instance I recently saw a record in ARIN that says:

Address:        Private
City:           Private
StateProv:      NJ
PostalCode:     99999

The response from ARIN was:  "If you believe the information below is false, can you provide more detail regarding the information you believe is inaccurate and 
ARIN will research and take the appropriate action."  I pointed out the whole record was false and I never heard back and it was never fixed.  I don't see the point 
of making anything mandatory if this is how things are done.  Once these things get fixed I would agree with the mandatory field.