Am 18.05.21 um 21:52 schrieb Erik Bais:



As I asked during the Connect WG today, there are discussions currently going on in the Dutch network community to see if there is a way to get a cleaner feed from routeservers on internet exchanges. ( by default )


As you may know there is an Dutch Anti Abuse Network initiative ( AAN ) –


The companies associated with AAN setup and all signed a manifest ( in Dutch -  ) that states that we will all do our best to provide a better and cleaner internet. 


Nice initiative!


Topics that should be included on the rating for the list :



One problem with the approach is that there isn't a single measure of badness, as the topic list already shows. It's a multi-dimensional vector, and its dimensions are not easily defined in a non-controversial way. The criteria for including a network in a top N list will therefore be unavoidably subjective.

In the process of thinking about ways to tackle e-mail abuse (which doesn't even show in your list, probably because it's not really a problem for network operators but only for mail operators) I came up with some ideas about a distributed reputation network that might have some desirable properties:

Hope this provides some food for thought/discussion. I'm well aware that my viewpoint is necessarily limited, as I don't have any network operating experience, but some aspects may be transferrable to that area.
