I can add a #4, Jérôme: - The abuse mailbox does not answer or acknowledge the spam report mail Happened several times when I asked Israel NV-Hosen_Stones if they were aware that spam came from their IP range. I have now blocked their whole IP range from our forum, since I consider that not answering spam reports is equivalent to actively supporting spam. That might block genuine users, but since our forum is addictive, that will hopefully force our members to change ISP and support clean ones. ;-)
From: jerome.bouat@wanadoo.fr To: anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net Subject: [anti-abuse-wg] Whois database accuracy Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 18:25:46 +0200
I use to report spam to the spam abuse mailboxes which are defined by the whois database.
However, I'm always encountering the below issues: - the mailbox domain isn't valid - the mailbox is full - the mailbox doesn't exist
Who can I contact in order to ensure the Whois database is tidied up.
I tried to reach the top registry of the domain (-l whois option).
However nobody is fixing those reference databases !
Could we possibly disconnect the network which aren't tidying their whois records ?
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