On 2022-08-22 at 11:40 +0200, Alan Levin wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Aug 2022 at 07:50, someone <…@ripe.net> wrote:
> > I’m out of office till 22 August. Any RIPE Labs related queries can
> > be sent to labs@ripe.net and one of my colleagues will get back to
> > you.
> irony - three unsolicited messages on the same subject -  appropriate
> too

This list was lucky. db-wg received 477 copies of this Out of Office message.

It actually serves as a great example of what an autoresponder shall *not* be doing:

* It only ran when the user returned to the office
* It replied to every message, with no waiting period
* It replied to mailing lists¹
* It replied *to its own vacation message* distributed by the mailing list, creating a loop

And it happened from inside the same organization, so the delivery delay would have been minimal. It must have been a tiny Bedlam3 for RIPE.

RFC 3834 recommendations were not pointless musings.

Kind regards

¹ The list properly contained a Precedence: list header, so no fault of the mailing list software here.

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