In message <>, "John S. Quarterman" <> wrote:
The purpose of the proposed ranking system is that the organizations that own the ASNs should be concerned that people might decide to blacklist them,
Unfortunately, I rather doubt that any sort of ranking will have that effect, which is a pity, because in an ideal world, these kinds of ranking _should_ have the effect of generating concern among those ASNs that receive bad rankings. But the reality is that instances of entire ASNs being blacklisted by anybody and/or for anything are few and far between. Thus we have the current situation where certain ASes make a healthy business out of thumbing their noses at the rest of the Internet community as they continue to host rampant criminality, etc.
or, for example if the organization is a bank, that people might not want to do business with a bank that has sufficiently bad Internet security that it is emitting spam. If an organization has that many vulnerabilities, some of them may also be exploitable for DDoS attacks or for password sniffing of customers or for other nefarious ends.
Conversely, organizations that have good security should emit very little spam, and they could brag about their good rankings and thus retain and gain customers.
I only wish that the world operated in so simple a fashion. Unfortunately, because network operators the world over have been con- sistantly reluctant to do what is necessary to forcefully shun the criminal, and the merely irresponsible, from their midst, instead of a bad reputation causing loss of connectivity, it often seems to have the perverse effect of generating even more business for various well-known criminal-friendly ASNs. Regards, rfg