I'm getting this spam email can you take a look at it please --- On Tue, 11/11/08, Geoff Brown <geoff.brown@talk21.com> wrote: From: Geoff Brown <geoff.brown@talk21.com> Subject: Fw: Re: Fw: Even presidents use it (KMM81093521V2514L0KM) To: abuse@ornage.es Date: Tuesday, 11 November, 2008, 8:41 PM --- On Tue, 11/11/08, Yahoo! Mail <abuse@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Yahoo! Mail <abuse@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Fw: Even presidents use it (KMM81093521V2514L0KM) To: "Geoff Brown" <geoff.brown@talk21.com> Date: Tuesday, 11 November, 2008, 11:21 AM Hello, Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail. I understand your frustration in receiving unsolicited email. While we investigate all reported violations against the Yahoo! Terms of Service (TOS), in this particular case the message you received was not sent through the Yahoo! Mail system. Yahoo! has no control over activities outside its service, and therefore we cannot take action. You may try contacting the sender's email provider, by identifying the sender's domain and contacting the administrator of that domain. The sender's provider should be in a better position to take appropriate action against the sender's account. The email message itself does contain some information relating to the sender's identity. Yahoo! includes the originating Internet Protocol (IP) address in the full Internet headers of all messages sent through Yahoo! Mail, so that we will have information regarding the origin of messages sent through our system. The originating IP address should be located in the very last "Received" line of the full Internet headers and corresponds to the sender's Internet Service Provider (ISP). Please see the following URL for more assistance: http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/spam/spam-05.html Once you have identified the IP address, you can conduct an IP lookup to determine which ISP provides this person with Internet access. One such lookup tool you may want to try is: http://www.arin.net/whois/ You can then attempt to contact that ISP to report any abuse activities occurring within their service. In addition, please visit the following website for useful tools to combat spam: http://antispam.yahoo.com/ Please let me know if you still need assistance so I may assist you further. Your patience during this process is greatly appreciated. Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Mail. Regards, Elmer Yahoo! Customer Care 54980104 For assistance with all Yahoo! services please visit: http://help.yahoo.com/ Original Message Follows: ------------------------- Hi I'm getting this spam - allegedly from my own email address - I haven't tried to unsubscribe due to the nature of the message - and I doubt the authenticity - they can't even spell special. Even presidents use it Monday, 10 November, 2008 2:27 AM
From geoff.brown@talk21.com Mon Nov 10 02:27:24 2008
Return-Path: <geoff.brown@talk21.com> Authentication-Results: mta802.mail.ird.yahoo.com from=talk21.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig) Received: from (EHLO 215.pool85-60-19.dynamic.orange.es) ( by mta802.mail.ird.yahoo.com with SMTP; Mon, 10 Nov 2008 02:27:22 +0000 To: <geoff.brown@talk21.com> Subject: Even presidents use it From: <geoff.brown@talk21.com> View contact details MIME-Version: 1.0 Importance: High Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 2015 --- On Mon, 10/11/08, geoff.brown@talk21.com <geoff.brown@talk21.com> wrote: From: geoff.brown@talk21.com <geoff.brown@talk21.com> Subject: Even presidents use it To: geoff.brown@talk21.com Date: Monday, 10 November, 2008, 2:27 AM If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view. You have received this message because you opted in to receives ClickCulture pecial offers via email. Login to your member account to edit your email subscription . Click here to unsubscribe. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY - This is being sent from an unattended mailbox. Copyright © 2008 ClickCulture, Inc. All rights reserved. 3739-210 NATIONAL DR, Raleigh, NC 27612