In message <>, "Sascha Luck [ml]" <> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 03:48:43PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
Laugh now... while you can.
Threats again, is it? I call on the chairs to point out to this individual that n.a.n.a.e tactics are not welcome on this list.
<<me, scratches head>> Other than my dastardly "threat" to eventually post data which will support my assertion that mntner records occasionally contain useful information about the true identities of the holders of certain number resources, I'm not at all sure what Mr. Luck has become so exercised about. <<shrug>> I call on the chairs to point out that the only thing that I threatened Mr. Luck with was eventually proving a couple of his assertions relating to the value of mntner records incorrect. Regards, rfg