On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Jesus Sanz de las Heras <jesus.heras@rediris.es> wrote:
Thats is no true. When a I read your message immediately I sent email to ONO abuse team and could be possible they updated contact. Its true that ONO had to keep updated them
Do you mean you got the same "550" error or not?
In Spain we have a good technical coordination forum of ISPs abuse spanish teams , his name its Foro ABUSES (http://www.abuses.es). I don't know if other europeans countries have a similar iniciatives. The main objetive of this Forum i have good contacts points and define best current practices and other iniciatives as Spanish WhiteList, spamtraps networks, SPF, special contact (police, hotmail,yahoo etc and other cert teams) and other activities (two anual meetings) included to have updated data RIPE
Foro ABUSES is coordinated for people of spanish academic network as the best neutral spanish ISP. It's is free. I hope to improve your image of Spain ;-) and you are invite the next meeting in May, Madrid to know ONO/AUNA people ;-)
Don't get me wrong. I didn't mean every Spanish ISP is like that, just some. Or in a more general sense, even in EU some ISP isn't that co-operative. And in the opposite, it's not because an ISP isn't in EU, eg Russia or Turkey or China, that it's certainly bad/not co-operative. We have to see things individually but not judge them in a whole. I'd like to go to Spain, but May is also a very busy month for me :( But thanks for the invitation :)