On 2021-03-02 13:12, Esa Laitinen wrote:
Now, if RIPE should boycott UCEPROTECT because of this faux pass is something we could discuss. I'd rather have someone contacting UCEPROTECT team and get an attitude adjustment in place, but that's me.
Is there a way to contact them that anybody is aware of? On their website (http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php?m=2&s=0; Q17), they say:
A17: Spammers are criminal gangs. In 2004 and since, many other blacklists stopped after they were threatened or attacked. We also got a package from Ukraine with a dead rat inside and a message: "You are next!" For security reasons we moved to a new location and have chosen to continue our war against spammers. Art 34 Abs 5 BayMeldeG (Bavarian Law) grants that only national authorities can find out about us.