Neither dtag nor the other entities that you mentioned, are using the resources that they have been allocated, and could possibly do with less of, are using their IP space for large scale network abuse so i do wish you wouldn't make such comparisons --srs (htc one x) On 29-Jun-2013 2:02 PM, "Frank Gadegast" <> wrote:
Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
am concerned, any further time of mine spent interacting with this
Hm, you would probably have more time, when bringing your mails down to facts instead of writing lines and lines of lyrics ...
Nearly all IPv4 space has been given to people and companies. There is nearly nothing left you could give away ...
All these resources, if managed properly, sensibly, and without profligate
waste and short-term driven exploitation, could be easily rendered
I agree, that there are many many IPv4 addresses currentyl wasted, unused like all these big class-A blocks they gave to the NSA, HP, Apple aso, wich can never proof a need of that many IPs for servers and equipment.
And there are stupid big block reservations for protocols nobody actually uses, like internal networks, multicast aso. They could be reduced to a single Class-B for example ...
There are also lots of blocks given to people and companies that do illegal or unwanted things, at least in some countries ...
And there are lots of big blocks wasted with companies (I would say typically access providers), that are really to stupid to configure there equipment right and instead ordered more and more IPs (an example: the German DTAG could only give access to 80 Million people maximum, guess how many IPs they have for access purpose ?)
All those IPs could be used much better and probably last a very long time ...
But: those netblocks have been given to the resource holders under the regulations of that time. Do you really want to change the regulations now, to take resources "back" ?
You have have to be "Robin Hood" to achieve that ...
Good luck, Frank
infinitely renewable, could be handed down, by us, largely if not entirely
intact, not merely to the next generation, but also to their descendants, forever.
But homo sapiens clearly has not reached that understanding yet. He is still out walking across that frozen land bridge from Asia into the Americans, and all the way down to Tierra Del Fuego, perpetually in search of new space to invade, conquer, exploit, lay waste to, and then, as always move on. This worked great for dozens of millennia. Alas it will not work forever.
Regards, rfg
Mit freundlichen Gruessen, -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ==============================**==============================**==========