In message <10122710090862_81BC@oregon.uoregon.edu>, "Joe St Sauver" <joe@oregon.uoregon.edu> wrote:
#But we already have blocklists aggressively doing that with netblocks #(uceprotect, spamhaus etc). No serious mailprovider in my neighbourhood #use those blocklists
You must be in an unusual neighborhood since Spamhaus is generally considered to protect about 1.4 billion mailboxes worldwide according to http://www.spamhaus.org/organization/index.lasso
Well, that's what the marketing department @ Spamhaus tells everybody anyway. I for one have never seen a single shread of proof to back up their rather exhorbitant claims in this regard however. But to return to the point at hand, no, generally Spamhaus _doesn't_ block big swaths of IP space... a fact for which I, at least, have criticised them repeatedly. They bend over backwards to be far far too lenient, in my opinion. Regards, rfg