Hello, this proposal was planned to be published end of May. But so many people asked me to publish it earlier and hopefully before RIPE-60 in Praha, so I will. This proposal is more or less a copy of our proposals for AfriNIC and APNIC. The APNIC proposal will be acknowledged today. The AfriNIC proposal will be discussed in Kigali end of this month. I will not be able to come to RIPE-60, but I hope that this proposal finds a little spot to be discussed in the Anti-Abuse Working Group Meeting. If you have questions, ideas or anything else that could help, let me know. Thanks, Tobias -- | Tobias Knecht | CEO | abusix UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) | tk@abusix.com | http://abusix.com | Postfach 210127 | 76151 Karlsruhe | Germany | --- | Register of Companies(Handelsregister): HRB 707959 | District of Court(Amtsgericht) Mannheim/Germany | Registered Office: Karlsruhe/Germany | CEO: Tobias Knecht