4 Jan
4 Jan
10:31 a.m.
The presumed draft you're unhappy about (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-vixie-dns-rpz/) is informational. It is not a standard.
not yet a standard. operational word, I guess, is yet. so there is still time to create awareness and to speak out.
More than that, it hasn't yet been adopted by the dnsop working group in the IETF, where a similar discussion is happening, and I don't believe the authors have stated an aim for an individual submission RFC. Raising awareness of RPZ is good, however it's an operational tool that many service providers and enterprises might want in their arsenal (even if as an opt-in). The best place to discuss furthering (or otherwise) RPZ is likely to be on the IETF's dnsop list. Cheers, Rob