Chris commented: #1) if you have a legal problem, go to a legal organisation ("police"), not #ripe. clarify your legal issues there. ripe isn't the place for this. Errors in registration details are not a police matter. Errors in registration details ARE directly germane to RIPE's remit as administrator of number resources, a function it provides for those in its region on behalf of the worldwide Internet community. #2) i generally appreciate ripe ncc's efforts to provide adequate aid in case of #any problems - nevertheless it has it's functions and tasks to stick to, #letting sbdy use it to mess with ripe-external stuff Maintenance of the database documenting who's been allocated/assigned space is *core* to RIPE's mission. #non-ripe-charged 'ripe-extraterritorials' creating lengthy flamey #threats as to what kind of services they "demand" from ripe, i btw #find - err - "curious"... Note that by RIPE policy, participation in RIPE Working Groups (including the Anti-Abuse Working Group) is open to all, which is, I believe, an appropriate reflection of the fact that RIPE-allocated resources can and do have an impact on users worldwide. Of course, if you take issue with that policy, you're free to propose a new policy that would change that. #3) if the complainant isn't prepared, able, or willing to express his complaint #against the alleged suspect, this probably already says it all... (ok so much: #then ncc shouldn't play bully for some troll) The question on the table was a simple one: what should be required of a party notifying RIPE of a data inaccuracy in the existing database. Should the notifying party be required to demonstrate exhaustion of all possible self-notification channels before referring the matter to RIPE as a "last resort?" No. A good Samaritan volunteer reporters has no obligation to do RIPE's work for them, and any attempt to impose arbitrary additional obligations on voluntary reporters is misplaced and inappropriate, and shows a lack of respect for the community member making that report. I see nothing wrong or inappropriate about expecting a RIR to maintain accurate records concerning the resouces it oversees, nor do I see how that makes anyone a "troll." Regards, Joe