lists@help.org wrote:
That raises the question for me: How does ARIN deal with these folks who are 'not cooperative'?
You have asked a question that most entities that operate whois database will not answer. They make big presentations about warning banners and discuss "mandatory" fields but when the data gets compromised nothing gets done. This is not limited to ARIN, RIPE, etc. it is true of just about all whois operators. For instance, everybody knows DomainTools.com is harvesting and reselling the data in these whois databases yet what formal action have any of these whois operators taken in response?
The result of all these rules, restrictions, blocking, and policies is that it inconveniences the people who use the services normally while the people violating the policies continue unabated. This situation is rarely considered when all the policies and procedures are developed so much of that work ends up being useless and people get all bent out of shape because there is a policy in place that is not enforced.
Only half true. 2011-06 is a big step into the right direction. First: Its a role-account with a mandatory field, every maintainer has to know, NOT to enter his personal address or one of his customer in there, but use his ticket system or the address of his educated abuse team a generic mailbox or whatever else non-personal he has. This will dramatically reduce the amount of personal addresses in the database, so ? Let the harvesters do there job and let the spammers send their spam to educated and expirienced people or teams, that probably have the best filters to presort there mail, have the best antispam techniques anyway and that are educated enought not to click any dangerous link. Second: its a mandatory field and only one place where to store the abuse contact RIPE NCC could then check the format and the availibility of all abuse contacts, this is the first time they CAN do it like described lately by the the people that wrote the abuse finder tool, simply because they will know, where to look for it. Third: it will be hard work to define what "responsiveness" realy is. You can check the syntax, the domain, if it exists, you could check, if its mailserver is responsive and you could even check, if the address exists or (I think) at last step, if an email does not bounce. But then ? how do you measure responsiveness ? By inserting a link, that has to be clicked ? How many times ? In what period ? Is a resource holder allowed to go on holidays or forget about his abuse mailbox for 3 weeks ? 4 weeks ? That are questions that differ from member to member. On the other end, I know systems where you have to "renew" your offers in the database every months or they will be inactive. And if you like to use there system you simply have to accept this. Even if I would love the punishment of abuse-ignorant ISPs, even by the RIPE NCC itself, I have no idea how that all could look like ... thats a big step and will need a lot of discussion. But: now there will be the technical background to do it. Kind regards, Frank -- MOTD: "Im happy about every ISP, that does not backscatter" -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ====================================================================== -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen, -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ======================================================================