Thank you so much Dear Athina. You sure made all this very consise. However, I guess that I don't have so many of these "Erroneous" registration datas. Simply because as all societies of homosapiens on planet earth are quite a bit of the same thing: -Most are the "Simple Average" individual. Croocked minds amount to much less than 5% of any given population, at most.. In short, I do not expect to submit more than (1-3) "Request for data update" for any network to whom RIPE would have allocated IP#. More over, before doing so, I would subtanciate my claim in a formal manner so that the claim cannot be denied. The only thing left to do would be to verify the whole. Otherwise, RIPE could be flooded by complaints? And organized abusers would have reasons to flood abuse (at) RIPE? This is why that in my thoughts, I feel it is a good thing that such complaints are signified by peoples who possess a minimal amount of skills within that matter? H owever, I will simply follow the rules as long that there are rules, I am happy! In hope that all Internet IP registration organisms such as RIPE will jump aboard, which may not be the case at present time because of language, I sincerly thank you, Athina. antispam.reporter.
-----Original Message----- From: athina.fragkouli@ripe.net Sent: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 10:46:49 +0200 To: anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net Subject: [anti-abuse-wg] RIPE NCC Procedure Regarding LIR Information in the RIPE Database
Dear Pierre, all,
In response to your emails, here is some general information on this matter.
The RIPE NCC requests that the LIRs provide the RIPE NCC with truthful information, as well as correctly maintain their registration in the RIPE Database at all times. If an LIR fails to do so, the RIPE NCC will terminate the service agreement with this LIR and deregister the Internet number resources allocated to it.
More information about this procedure can be found in the RIPE NCC procedural document "Closure of LIR and Deregistration of Internet Number Resources", available at: https://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-517
The RIPE NCC handles abuse complaints sent by third parties. Anyone can send a complaint to abuse@ripe.net.
As well as the procedures already in place, the RIPE community recently formed the Abuse Contact Management Task Force (ACM-TF), which is examining policy proposals around the issue of managing the abuse contact field in the RIPE Database. More information about the task force can be found at: https://www.ripe.net/ripe/groups/tf/abuse-contact
Hope this clarifies the existing procedures, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards, Athina Fragkouli RIPE NCC
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